Tunic, Target; Dress, H&M; Sandals, Gianni Bini; Earrings, old and unknown; Bracelet, made by me
Lip Color: NYC Big Bold Lip Gloss in "Extra Large Latte"
Nails: Orly in "Liquid Vinyl"; on toes Cover Girl Outlast Stay Brilliant Glosstinis in "Sangria 515"
Weather: High 83ºF; Low 69ºF. Cloudy and pleasant.
I wore this yesterday to run a few errands including stopping off at the library and rummaging around the craft store for a bead sale. I was bored by my closet today until I saw two belts wrapped together. Each f these garments came with its own belt so I intertwined them and wore them together. I think it looks quite nice not to mention super comfortable. I wanted very much a black necklace to finish it off but didn't have one (I've never remembered to look for one before when I went shopping despite always kicking myself for not having one when I need it) so that became the inspiration for what to look for at the bead sale. I also picked up a few other supplies for some other projects I have in mind that I'll share with you later. I almost wore high heel wedges but didn't because I didn't feel like being 6'3" today.
Now even though it's technically fall as you can see the weather is anything but and won't be for a few more weeks. I can so see translating this outfit to cooler weather with leggings and booties and perhaps even a fun vest with an undershirt or sweater underneath it all to help keep warm.
Hoping your weekend was pleasant and wishing you a beautiful start to your new week!
Until next time,
claire lynette
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