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Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Little Ta-ta For Now

Sunday, April 6, 2014
This blog can't even be considered to be on life support. Like my GigaPet gold edition kitty that couldn't make it through the end of my sixth grade year I fear the worst has come for the little blog. As much as I'd like to devote more time and energy to it I just don't seem to make it the priority I want it to be. I have lots of post written in drafts but they don't inspire me. If they don't inspire me how could they possibly inspire any reader who just happens to come across my tiny space in the net universe?

...But because I want it to be something eventually someday I can't let it go completely. So consider it on an indefinite hiatus. If you just so happened to be a regular reader who lurked waiting patiently for a new post my sincerest apologies to you for letting you down. I hope to come back to this space soon, but until then I bid you a fond "see you later" because around here we just don't say goodbye.

Claire Lynette

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